ownCloud 8.1 Release Notes

Supported Server Platforms

Full Packages:

  • Debian 7, 8
  • RHEL / Centos 6.5, 6.6 and 7
  • Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and 15.04
  • SLES 12 (once PHP dependencies (e.g. posix) are added)

Only as .tar files:

  • Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
  • SLES 11 sp3

Other server components:

  • PHP 5.4 + required
  • Databases: MySQL/MariaDB 5.x; Oracle 11g; PostgreSQL
  • Hypervisors: Hyper-V, VMware ESX, Xen, KVM

Supported Desktop Platforms

In general, we will support the most recent two releases of operating systems that are still supported by upstream or by the publisher. Currently this includes:

  • Windows 7+
  • Mac OS X 10.7+ (64-bit only)
  • CentOS 6.6, 7 (7 is 64 bit only)
  • Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, 15.04
  • Fedora 21, 22
  • Debian 7,8
  • openSUSE 13.1, 13.2

Supported Mobile Platforms

  • iOS 7+
  • Android 4+

Supported Web Browsers

  • IE8+ (except compatibility mode)
  • Firefox v35+
  • Chrome v40+,
  • Safari v5+

Not Supported With any ownCloud Version

  • Native Windows WebDAV clients
  • Windows RT
  • SQLite in production

Changes in 8.1

“Download from link” feature has been removed.

The .htaccess and index.html files in the data/ directory are now updated after every update. If you make any modifications to these files they will be lost after updates.

The SabreDAV browser at /remote.php/webdav has been removed.

Using ownCloud without a trusted_domain configuration will not work anymore.

The logging format for failed logins has changed and considers now the proxy configuration in config.php.

A default set of security and privacy HTTP headers have been added to the ownCloud .htaccess file, and ownCloud administrators may now customize which headers are sent.

More strict SSL certificate checking improves security but can result in “cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate” errors with certain broken PHP versions. Please verify your SSL setup, update your PHP or contact your vendor if you receive these errors.

The persistent file-based cache (e.g. used by LDAP integration) has been dropped and replaced with a memory-only cache, which must be explicitly configured. See User Authentication with LDAP. Memory cache configuration for the ownCloud server is no longer automatic, requiring configuration in config.php with the keys memcache.local and/or memcache.distributed; see Caching.

The OC_User_HTTP backend has been removed. Administrators are encouraged to use the user_webdavauth application instead.

ownCloud ships now with its own root certificate bundle derived from the Mozilla. The system root certificate bundle will not be used anymore for most requests.

When you upgrade from ownCloud 8.0, with encryption enabled, to 8.1, you must enable the new encryption backend and migrate your encryption keys. See Encryption Configuration

Encryption can no longer be disabled in ownCloud 8.1. It is planned to re-add this feature to the command line client for a future release.

It is not recommended to upgrade encryption-enabled systems from ownCloud Server 8.0 to version 8.1.0 as there is a chance the migration will break. We recommend to migrate to the first bugfix release, ownCloud Server 8.1.1.

Due to various technical issues, by default desktop sync clients older than 1.7 are not allowed to connect and sync with the ownCloud server. This is configurable via the minimum.supported.desktop.version switch in config.php.

Previews are now generated at a maximum size of 2048 x 2048 pixels. This is configurable via the preview_max_x and preview_max_y switches in config.php.

The ownCloud 8 server is not supported on any version of Windows.

The 8.1.0 release has a minor bug which makes app updates fail at first try. Reload the apps page and try again, and the update will succeed.

The forcessl option within the config.php and the Enforce SSL option within the Admin-Backend was removed. This now needs to be configured like described in Use HTTPS.

Enterprise 8.1 Only

The SharePoint Drive app does not verify the SSL certificate of the SharePoint server or the ownCloud server, as it is expected that both devices are in the same trusted environment.

ownCloud 8.0

Manual LDAP Port Configuration

When you are configuring the LDAP user and group backend application, ownCloud may not auto-detect the LDAP server’s port number, so you will need to enter it manually.

No Preview Icon on Text Files

There is no preview icon displayed for text files when the file contains fewer than six characters.

Remote Federated Cloud Share Cannot be Reshared With Local Users

When you mount a Federated Cloud share from a remote ownCloud server, you cannot re-share it with your local ownCloud users. (See Configuring Federated Cloud Sharing to learn more about federated cloud sharing)

Manually Migrate Encryption Keys after Upgrade

If you are using the Encryption app and upgrading from older versions of ownCloud to ownCloud 8.0, you must manually migrate your encryption keys with the occ command after the upgrade is complete, like this example for CentOS: sudo -u apache php occ encryption:migrate-keys You must run occ as your HTTP user. See Using the occ Command to learn more about occ

Windows Server Not Supported

Windows Server is not supported in ownCloud 8.

PHP 5.3 Support Dropped

PHP 5.3 is not supported in ownCloud 8, and PHP 5.4 or better is required.

Disable Apache Multiviews

If Multiviews are enabled in your Apache configuration, this may cause problems with content negotiation, so disable Multiviews by removing it from your Apache configuration. Look for lines like this:

<Directory /var/www/owncloud>
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Multiviews

Delete Multiviews and restart Apache.

No Commas in Group Names

Creating an ownCloud group with a comma in the group name causes ownCloud to treat the group as two groups.

Hebrew File Names Too Large on Windows

On Windows servers Hebrew file names grow to five times their original size after being translated to Unicode.

Google Drive Large Files Fail with 500 Error

Google Drive tries to download the entire file into memory, then write it to a temp file, and then stream it to the client, so very large file downloads from Google Drive may fail with a 500 internal server error.

Encrypting Large Numbers of Files

When you activate the Encryption app on a running server that has large numbers of files, it is possible that you will experience timeouts. It is best to activate encryption at installation, before accumulating large numbers of files on your ownCloud server.

Enterprise 8.0 Only

Sharepoint Drive SSL Not Verified

The SharePoint Drive app does not verify the SSL certificate of the SharePoint server or the ownCloud server, as it is expected that both devices are in the same trusted environment.

No Federated Cloud Sharing with Shibboleth

Federated Cloud Sharing (formerly Server-to-Server file sharing)does not work with Shibboleth .

Direct Uploads to SWIFT do not Appear in ownCloud

When files are uploaded directly to a SWIFT share mounted as external storage in ownCloud, the files do not appear in ownCloud. However, files uploaded to the SWIFT mount through ownCloud are listed correctly in both locations.

SWIFT Objectstore Incompatible with Encryption App

The current SWIFT implementation is incompatible with any app that uses direct file I/O and circumvents the ownCloud virtual filesystem. Using the Encryption app on a SWIFT object store incurs twice as many HTTP requests and increases latency significantly.

App Store is Back

The ownCloud App Store has been re-enabled in oC 8. Note that third-party apps are not supported.

ownCloud 7 Release Notes

Manual LDAP Port Configuration

When you are configuring the LDAP user and group backend application, ownCloud may not auto-detect the LDAP server’s port number, so you will need to enter it manually.

LDAP Search Performance Improved

Prior to 7.0.4, LDAP searches were substring-based and would match search attributes if the substring occurred anywhere in the attribute value. Rather, searches are performed on beginning attributes. With 7.0.4, searches will match at the beginning of the attribute value only. This provides better performance and a better user experience.

Substring searches can still be performed by prepending the search term with “*”.For example, a search for te will find Terri, but not Nate:

occ ldap:search "te"

If you want to broaden the search to include Nate, then search for *te:

occ ldap:search "*te"

Refine searches by adjusting your search attributes in the User Search Attributes form in your LDAP configuration on the Admin page. For example, if your search attributes are givenName and sn you can find users by first name + last name very quickly. For example, you’ll find Terri Hanson by searching for te ha. Trailing whitespaces are ignored.

Protecting ownCloud on IIS from Data Loss

Under certain circumstances, running your ownCloud server on IIS could be at risk of data loss. To prevent this, follow these steps.

In your ownCloud server configuration file, owncloud\config\config.php, set config_is_read_only to true.

Set the config.php file to read-only.

When you make server updates config.php must be made writeable. When your updates are completed re-set it to read-only.

Antivirus App Modes

The Antivirus App offers three modes for running the ClamAV anti-virus scanner: as a daemon on the ownCloud server, a daemon on a remote server, or an executable mode that calls clamscan on the local server. We recommend using one of the daemon modes, as they are the most reliable.

“Enable Only for Specific Groups” Fails

Some ownCloud applications have the option to be enabled only for certain groups. However, when you select specific groups they do not get access to the app.

Changes to File Previews

For security and performance reasons, file previews are available only for image files, covers of MP3 files, and text files, and have been disabled for all other filetypes. Files without previews are represented by generic icons according to their file types.

4GB Limit on SFTP Transfers

Because of limitations in phpseclib, you cannot upload files larger than 4GB over SFTP.

“Not Enough Space Available” on File Upload

Setting user quotas to unlimited on an ownCloud installation that has unreliable free disk space reporting– for example, on a shared hosting provider– may cause file uploads to fail with a “Not Enough Space Available” error. A workaround is to set file quotas for all users instead of unlimited.

No More Expiration Date On Local Shares

In older versions of ownCloud, you could set an expiration date on both local and public shares. Now you can set an expiration date only on public shares, and local shares do not expire when public shares expire.

Zero Quota Not Read-Only

Setting a user’s storage quota should be the equivalent of read-only, however, users can still create empty files.

Enterprise 7 Only

No Federated Cloud Sharing with Shibboleth

Federated Cloud Sharing (formerly Server-to-Server file sharing) does not work with Shibboleth .

Windows Network Drive

Windows Network Drive runs only on Linux servers because it requires the Samba client, which is included in all Linux distributions.

php5-libsmbclient is also required, and there may be issues with older versions of libsmbclient; see Using External Storage > Installing and Configuring the Windows Network Drive App in the Enterprise Admin manual for more information.

By default CentOS has activated SELinux, and the httpd process can not make outgoing network connections. This will cause problems with curl, ldap and samba libraries. Again, see Using External Storage > Installing and Configuring the Windows Network Drive App in the Enterprise Admin manual for instructions.

Sharepoint Drive SSL

The SharePoint Drive app does not verify the SSL certificate of the SharePoint server or the ownCloud server, as it is expected that both devices are in the same trusted environment.

Shibboleth and WebDAV Incompatible

Shibboleth and standard WebDAV are incompatible, and cannot be used together in ownCloud. If Shibboleth is enabled, the ownCloud client uses an extended WebDAV protocol

No SQLite

SQLite is no longer an installation option for ownCloud Enterprise Edition, as it not suitable for multiple-user installations or managing large numbers of files.

No App Store

The App Store is disabled for the Enterprise Edition.

LDAP Home Connector Linux Only

The LDAP Home Connector application requires Linux (with MySQL, MariaDB, or PostgreSQL) to operate correctly.