Aerial Mouvement
Aerial movement is a dance, it’s a performance, it’s a choreography, it’s a composition, it is a sequence of images.
Aerial movement started out as a question: Dancing is body language at it’s purest. But can you transform, translate this language? What happens if you strip away the visual layer? Is it possible to create a virtual dance, just out of sound? Does dance survive this transmission? Is it still dance? Do we move along?
So I asked two contemporary dancers to dance for me, and I recorded the sounds they made using different microphones. Then I went to my studio and started to create my own choreography, using these sounds. It’s a choreography that is build using both the language of contemporary dance, and the language of sound. The movement of bodies is translated into the movement of air molecules. I’m looking for the resonance of those movements in pressure variations. With this piece, I want to create a new choreography, one that is only tangible in sound, one that needs to be completed by the listener, by his or her imagining the newly created dance piece.
Dancers for the original sounds were Marisa Cabal and Georgia Vardarou. Recordings were made at the STUK arts centre in Louvain, Belgium. I would like to thank Georgia, Marisa, Pieter-Paul and STUK.